Grilled Japanese Eggplant


1/3 C olive oil
2 tsp. dried herbs (basil, oregano, thyme)
1 T lemon juice
1 lb. Japanese eggplant (about 6-8)
freshly ground black pepper



Whisk together the olive oil, herbs, and lemon juice. Trim the eggplant and halve them lengthwise. Score the cut side several times with the point of a knife and brush lightly with the oil mixture.

Place, cut-side down, on the grill 4 to 6 inches from hot coals. Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper and cook for about 5 minutes. Turn them over, brush again with the oil mixture, sprinkle with salt and pepper and cook for about 5 minutes more, brushing once or twice with the oil.

Note: Use a wire fish basket to make turning easier!


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